WRC Assisting Towns with Sign Inventories
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Many towns throughout Vermont are looking at ways to better manage their road signs, whether it’s general maintenance, or plans to replace them with new signs that are more reflective. A sign inventory can help.
WRC has just completed a project with the Town of Dummerston to create a database and map of the over three hundred road signs on their town highways. Throughout the summer and fall, we'll be working on similar inventories for the Towns of Townshend, Grafton, Windham, and Guilford. The inventories include information on sign type, text, condition, reflectivity, and whether there's a breakaway post. If your town is interested in completing a road sign inventory and would like help, contact Jeff Nugent, WRC’s GIS planner, for more information.
The products delivered to towns will include a large (36x48 inches) map and an 11x17 multi-page atlas, as well as the inventory in both paper and Excel spreadsheet format. Each sign--more precisely, each sign post--on the map is symbolized as to its general type of sign (e.g. stop sign, road name sign, speed limit sign), and labeled with a number that corresponds to that signpost's record in the inventory table. To view the full-size version of Dummerston's map, click here.