Executive Board
Next Meeting: TBD; WRC conference room and via Zoom
Chair: Gabby Ciuffreda
Staff: Chris Campany
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm, via Zoom and the WRC conference room.
Purpose: The Executive Board consists of the officers of the Commission and six Commissioners, no more than one of which may be a Citizen Interest Commissioner. Members of the Executive Board are elected annually by the Commission. The Executive Board is responsible for the following:
- Carry out all decisions and instructions of the Commission;
- Oversee the month-to-month administration of the Commission’s work program and budget through the Executive Director;
- Act on behalf of the Commission on proposals or questions otherwise requiring Commission action when time precludes full Commission action and report any such actions at the next Commission meeting;
- Oversee all activities of the staff through the Executive Director;
- Review and recommend coordinated annual work program and budget, and mid-year annual reports when necessary to the Commission for action;
- Recommend to the Commission positions to be taken by the Commission or, on behalf of the Commission, by its Board, Committees or staff;
- Audit and evaluate project and program performance and regularly present timely reports thereon to the Commission; and
- Present an annual report on the activities of the Commission, the Board and the staff to the Commission, its member towns and other parties.
Executive Board members: click here
Executive Board 1/14/25 Recording: click here