Emergency Planning Committee
Next Meeting: November 14, 2024, 11:00AM, WRC conference room and via Zoom
Chair: Steve Lembke
Staff: Alyssa Sabetto
Meetings: TBD, via Zoom and the WRC conference room.
Purpose: Provides a venue for Commissioner engagement, guidance and oversight related to the WRC’s emergency planning and emergency management support function. The focus would primarily be on that work supported by the EMPG program. VEM provides EMPG program guidance through its contract with the Regional Planning Commission (RPC), and the RPCs participate in the development of that guidance. Develop a cadre of Commissioner emergency planning advocates who would advocate for emergency planning within and among WRC towns. Develop a cadre of Commissioners that will expand the WRC’s emergency response and recovery capacity by supplementing staff resources in the event of a major emergency.
WRC Emergency Planning Program: Click Here