January 2013 State Approved Town Road and Bridge Standards
Towns are encouraged to adopt these standards, but are not required to do so. Several reasons for a Town to adopt these standards include:
- Municipalities who certify adoption of these standards benefit from a 10% local match requirement for total costs under the Town Highway Structures and Class 2 Roadway grant programs, rather than a 20% match requirement.
- The State-approved Standards address water quality associated with roadway run-off.
- Municipalities will be eligible to receive a 12.5% state share of the FEMA-approved total project cost under the FEMA Public Assistance program, rather than 7.5%.
Over the next several months, WRC staff will continue to provide additional information to towns about the January 2013 Town Road and Bridge Standards. This topic will be discussed by WRC staff at the upcoming Road Foremen meeting on March 20th, at 10am, at the Townshend Garage. If you have any questions please call Matt x120.