First Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Project Completed

Windham Regional Commission (WRC) is pleased to announce completion of its first Windham Region Brownfields Reuse Initiative-Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (WRBRI-RLF) project: The Bellows Falls Historic Riverfront Park and Trail System.

Bellows Falls Historical Society (BFHS) received $67,266 in grant funds to redevelop the East Side of the property into a publicly accessible green space. BFHS also received clean up funds directly from the EPA Brownfields program to help complete redevelopment of the West Side of the parcel for the same project. The cleanup plan specifies isolation of contaminated soil from public users via a combination of trail construction, selective soil capping, and barriers to discourage public access (dense shrubbery and fencing). The project consists of creation of a historic interpretive trail system, a nature and bird sanctuary, and community gathering space.

Established in 2011 the WRBRI-RLF provides loans and grants to facilitate cleanup of contaminated properties (Brownfields) in the towns of the WRC’s service area. The purpose of this program is to assist in the revitalization of these properties, to promote jobs, and to support a cleaner environment in the WRC region. It is intended that these loans and grants fill funding gaps for cleanup and ultimate redevelopment of Brownfields. Loan funds are available to public, private and nonprofits and grants are available to municipalities and nonprofits.
For more information about WRC’s Brownfields program contact Susan McMahon (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.g), Cullen Meves (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or go to our website


Last Updated: 08 May 2014
Home News First Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Project Completed